After a dispense attempt, if the machine displays 'Out of cash' and the transaction logs show a Puloon error 80 or 81, then this indicates that the dispenser could not pick up the next note from the respective cash cassette, while the cassette was low or empty.
Code 80 refers to Cassette 1 (Top), while 81 refers to Cassette 2 (Bottom).
In the case of these error messages, the cassette was either empty upon reaching for the next note, the next note was misaligned or mangled, or the bill count was very low.
Causes & prevention
Cassette is empty
If the cassette is empty, the discrepancy between what was believed to be available and the actual bill count can be explained by some bills having been sent to the Reject Tray during this or prior transactions. Check the Reject Tray above Cassette 1 (Top) for notes.
The dispenser is unable to count down rejected bills from the available amount, and thus when counts are low, having previously rejected bills can prevent a successful dispense.
Or, a discrepancy can be due to a miscount when refilling the cassette and updating the available bills on the admin. Verify the cassettes' note counts, refilling as needed, and update the amounts in the admin's 'Maintenance > Cash Cassettes' panel.
Cassette not empty, next note is poor grade
In the case of bills still remaining in the cassette, it's possible that the next note (the one on the bottom of the cassette) was mangled, misaligned, or a poor grade such that it could not be retrieved by the dispenser.
Check whether this is the case. Also, be sure that the cassette's spacers are properly fitted for your currency's denomination. See more about adjusting spacers on the Santo Tirso setup article.
Cassette not empty, low note count
If the next note does not appear to be poor grade or misaligned, yet there are around a dozen notes in the cassette or less, then there may not have been enough pressure upon the stack of bills.
With small quantities of bills, the spring-hinged arm holding in the bills doesn't have as much downward pressure, which makes the next bill on the bottom harder to pick up.
We recommend having a minimum amount of bills in the dispenser at any time, around 15. Some operators place a number of extra bills in the cassette that they don't include in the admin's bill count when updating, so as to have a buffer of bills to guard against running too low.
If a dispenser error message is present in the transaction logs, the transaction is already marked as 'redeemed' and is unable to be attempted a second time. Therefore, you may reconcile with the customer by manually refunding the equivalent undispensed amount in crypto or fiat.
For a full report on the transaction status, export the transactions' spreadsheets and consult both the export-cash-out and export-out-actions, the latter of which records the dispense events including the amount of successfully dispensed notes from each cassette for particular transactions.
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