If you have a Douro paired to a Santo Tirso that is one of a small subset which use a Fujitsu dispenser instead of a Puloon dispenser, and you reimage the Douro, the Douro will default to looking for the more widely-used Puloon dispenser.
This would result in remaining on the 'Booting up...' screen if switched to two-way mode.
To instead point the machine to use the Fujitsu F53, you may edit a file on the Douro with a keyboard using the instructions below.
Steps to set a Douro to recognise a Fujitsu dispenser
First, connect a USB keyboard to the top of the Douro's tablet, and pull up a terminal window with Ctrl+Alt+T.
Log in with the following command, followed by the Douro's root password (provided by our support team):
sudo su
When entering the password, no text will show on screen. This is expected.
When you see the 'root@' prompt, run the following command to open the file we'll need to edit:
nano /opt/apps/machine/lamassu-machine/device_config.json
Use the keyboard's arrow keys to navigate to the section named "billDispenser".
"billDispenser": { "device": "/dev/ttyS1" },
Edit it to add the following line. (Note: Remember the comma. Punctuation must be exact.)
"billDispenser": { "model": "f56", "device": "/dev/ttyS1" },
Save the changes by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y.
Then press Enter.
Run the following command to restart the machine:
restart lamassu-machine
Close the terminal window with Alt+F4, then unplug the keyboard.
You may now switch cash-out to 'on' within the admin. Future remote updates will not require this change, though reimaging the drive will require it.
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