Your machine's bill validator can be set so that certain denominations are not accepted and returned to the user.
First, please contact support to get your currency's Dip Switch Settings.
Afterward, gain access to the lower half of the bill validator in the machine.
⚠️ NOTE: If your machine is a Douro or Douro II, you'll need a small Hex screw to access the bill validator inside the vault. A picture walkthrough can be found in our mounting instructions.
Then, remove the validator's head and transport by gently pulling forward on the green tab pictured below:
Take care as delicate cabling follows behind the validator.
For Douros, if needed, disconnect the validator harness from the cabling in the vault at the white molex junction.
The DIP switches on the validator transport are circled here:
Using a toothpick flip the switches to ON in order to DISABLE certain denomination bills, according to the Dip Switch Settings for your currency.
Lastly, reassemble the validator's head and transport and reconnect any cabling.
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