If you run both Zcash and Monero on your server, you must now ensure sufficient disk space on your DigitalOcean droplet.
The combined sizes of both blockchains have exceeded the storage capacity of our default-recommended droplet size (160 GB).
If unaddressed, your server will currently experience issues and downtime. Use this article to:
- Disable Monero or disable Zcash, using the scripts below which remove their blockchains and reclaim drive space
- Continue to offer both by upgrading to the 320 GB droplet option
Note: Running the scripts below will not delete your wallet. However, to subsequently access its funds, you will need to download the wallet and load it into a full node client. Contact our support team for details.
Viewing what you're running
In your Admin's 'Maintenance > Server' panel, look for the presence of both 'zcash' and 'monero' in the server processes, as shown below:
If both are present, regardless of whether their status is 'running' or 'stopped', you'll need to clear up drive space and disable one, as below.
Disabling Monero
If you wish to disable Monero, keeping Zcash, run the following command within your server's terminal:
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lamassu/lamassu-patches/master/wallets/disable/monero.sh | bash
After it outputs 'Done', go to your Admin's 'Settings > Locales' panel, and remove XMR from the Crypto Currencies list.
Disabling Zcash
If you wish to disable Zcash, keeping Monero, run the following command within your server's terminal:
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lamassu/lamassu-patches/master/wallets/disable/zcash.sh | bash
After it outputs 'Done', go to your Admin's 'Settings > Locales' panel, and remove ZEC from the Crypto Currencies list.
Offering both, enlarging your droplet
If you wish to continue offering both coins, you may enlarge your DigitalOcean droplet to the next-highest size.
Use the article 'Resizing your DigitalOcean droplet', and choose the option with 320 GB of disk space:
Afterward, ensure you are running the latest releases of zcashd and monerod with the article 'Updating your node wallets'.
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