Your cryptomat's online status and rates may optionally be linked with its Coin ATM Radar listing.
Use this article to activate reporting and update your cryptomat's listing.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: You must be running Crafty Chnemu v7.3 or higher. See our article to upgrade first.
Enable API reporting
Following your upgrade to our latest version, navigate to the 'Settings > Operator Info > Coin ATM Radar' panel of your admin, and click the button to choose 'Yes' for 'Share information?'.
Then, click the button of the information you wish to share with Coin ATM Radar as well (Commissions and/or Limits and verification).
It will now begin relaying your machine's online status and rates to Coin ATM Radar. Next, you will need to inform them of your machine's External ID by associating it with your listing.
Obtain External IDs
Within your server, run this command to obtain your cryptomat's External ID:
It will output the name of your cryptomat(s) along with a 64-character string. This string is what Coin ATM Radar refers to as the 'External ID' of your cryptomat.
Linking IDs with Coin ATM Radar

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