This article is part of the Admin Setup (Step-by-Step) guide.
Follow the tabs below to configure each section of the droplet creation page:
After setting up your DigitalOcean account, click Create > Droplets in the top right corner to start a new server:
OS and Version
- Ubuntu for the distribution
- 20.04 (LTS) x64 for the release
The plan you opt for will depend on the number of wallet nodes you'll want to run. We recommend starting with the 48$ option.
- Select the 'Shared CPU / Basic' category
- Next, 'CPU options > Regular Intel with SSD' as the CPU option
- Then, '$48/mo - 8 GB / 4 CPUs' for your droplet size
Then, under the Authentication section, choose 'SSH keys' and click 'New SSH Key'.
In the dialogue box:
- Paste the public SSH key you obtained earlier during key creation (Step 2)
- Name it
- Click 'Add SSH Key':
Additional Options
After choosing the droplet size, check the box for Monitoring in the additional options section:
The monitoring option will allow you to later track your droplet's resource usage from your DigitalOcean account.
Droplet name (hostname)
Enter a hostname of your choosing, then click the green 'Create' button:
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