If you experience a machine screen that states 'Network down - Sorry we are down for the moment', this doesn't necessarily point to a network issue exactly. There are a few things we can take a look:
- The machine's connection to the internet
- The configuration of the admin and server
- A potential version discrepancy between your admin and machine software versions
- Tickers or Digital Ocean downtimes
⚠️ NOTE: This screen is distinct from the 'Sorry, maintenance required' screen.
When is it a connection issue?
If you have multiple machines paired to the same admin, and if only one of those machines exhibits a 'Network Down' screen, then the cause is most likely not related to the admin or server, as that would affect all connected machines.
Instead, our first focus should be on whether the machine's software is in need of an update, as well as on the machine's local internet connection.
You can check every machine's current version in the Admin > Maintenance > Machine Status. Feel free to reach out to Support to have your machine updated to the latest version, or manually deploy it yourself on your UPboard or ssuboard
Troubleshooting network connectivity:
Plug the same Ethernet cable from the machine into a computer and see if you have an internet connection with that. If there is a connection, open your machine and locate its board.
Unplug the existing Ethernet cable from it, and plug in the one coming from the router that you just tested with the computer.
On the other hand, if you see there isn't connection being established from the cable on your computer, then it's likely something could be at fault with either the cable itself, or the router you're using. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) in the event you require any assistance with either one of the two.
Recommended connection
The machine requires a dedicated, stable source of internet connectivity, with as low latency as possible. This is because it must maintain a consistent connection to your server to ping for the machine wallet, ticker price, trading balance, etc.
Because of this, we recommend connecting your machine via Ethernet coming directly from the router.
If the above is not an option because of the machine's location, one option is to use a dedicated 4G Hotspot that allows you to plug in an Ethernet cable, and the other end to the machine.
For more information on connectivity, see this article.
Admin settings
Some causes of the 'we're down' screen can be traced to wallet settings, particularly if you've chosen to use node wallets but haven't installed the nodes themselves, or set a coin to use a BitGo wallet but have incorrect settings.
The server logs above may reference such wallet errors, and you can also check each one's status over at 'Maintenance > Funding' panel in the admin. Any errors with your wallets should be displayed there.
Viewing server logs
When this occurs, it's helpful to view the recent server logs, as these can reveal more about any potential error conditions on the server or admin.
You can find these in the Admin > Maintenance > Server
It's also possible to review these logs directly on your terminal, and with more detail.
To do this, simply log into your server's terminal, and run the following command:
tail -50 /var/log/supervisor/lamassu-server.err.log
The resulting messages may make obvious references to certain modules (tickers, wallets, SMS, etc.) that can be adjusted. In either case, our support team can take a closer look to interpret these, and can provide a command to send us more comprehensive logs.
Restarting the Server and Admin processes
In some cases, restarting the server and/or Admin processes may prove helpful. To do so, log into your server's terminal and run:
supervisorctl restart lamassu-server lamassu-admin-server
Digital Ocean or Ticker downtime
Considering your server is hosted on Digital Ocean, this may in rare occasions show sporadic downtime with specific data regions. If your droplet is hosted in any of these temporary affected regions, it may also consequently affect your server's stability.
This also applies for any of the Ticker options present in the Admin > Settings > Wallet, as these can occasionally experience downtime, preventing the server from retrieving ticker information.
Here are their respective status links:
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