To arrange an update to the latest machine software, contact us. We can remotely push updates to the machine upon your request.
Alternatively, you may manually deploy the update package. We recommend this only to advanced users.
Please note that machine updates are not always compatible with your server version, and may need to be done in parallel with a server software update. Thus, it's advisable to contact our support team to collect info on your current configuration and coordinate the appropriate updates.
Download the update package
Download the latest releases 'update.tar' update package found here, or as provided by our support team.
The update is contained in the update.tar archive, however do not unpack this, as that's done on the machine by the update script.
Manually updating
1. Download the update.tar file to a USB flash drive (formatted as FAT32). Take note of the flash drive's exact name on your computer. Bring the drive and a USB keyboard to the machine.
2. At the machine, open the door and plug both the USB drive and keyboard into the USB ports of the UPboard. Ensure any USB cables you need to unplug are ultimately reconnected to the same ports. (This is because cameras are mounted by the system based on the specific port they're plugged into.)
3. Press Ctrl Alt T to open a terminal. Type the following, hitting Enter:
sudo su
4. Type the root password as provided by our support team (it will remain blank), then hit Enter.
5. To mount the USB drive, type the below replacing sd... with sda1 or sdb1:
udisksctl mount /dev/sd...
6. Run the following two commands, replacing flashdrivename with the drive's name shown after the prior mounting command. Spacing, quotes, and slashes must be exact.
cp '/media/debian/flashdrivename/update.tar' /tmp/update.tar
node /opt/lamassu-machine/manual_update.js
7. After hitting Enter, the machine package will be deployed, outputting at the end 'all done'.
8. Wait one minute. Then run:
supervisorctl restart all
9. Remove the flash drive and keyboard, and reattach any unplugged USB cables to their original ports. Your machine will be running the latest version.
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