During cash-out transactions, users can sometimes undersend the required crypto value by a negligible amount. This can be due to quirks of particular wallets, the user manually entering the amount in their wallet, or the user sending directly from an exchange.
Since the machine is expecting an exact amount of crypto, if it receives less than this from the user, by default the deposit will not be detected and cash won't be dispensed.
However, enabling the Fudge Factor feature will automatically accept deposits that are 100 crypto atoms (0.000001 BTC, 0.000001 ZEC, etc.) or less than the amount requested.
To do so, go to the 'Settings > Cash-out' panel in your admin, and enable the 'Transaction fudge factor' to On.
⚠️ NOTE: If you do not see this panel, check that your server is on v7.4.9 or higher. If it's below this version, please see our article on updating to the latest version, Updating to Forsaken Fiat (v8.0).
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