If a customer has scanned an ID card photo which doesn't meet your requirements, you may remove the existing ID card photo record, such that the customer is prompted for a new ID scan when next hitting that threshold.
Our upcoming admin in Electric Enlil v7.5 adds a means to do so via the graphical admin. In the meantime, use the command below to do so.
First, download the new delete-id-photo
command by running the following within your server's terminal:
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lamassu/lamassu-patches/master/scripts/compliance/dl-delete-id-photo.sh | bash
Next, in the admin's 'Maintenance > Customers' panel, locate the full Customer ID whose ID photo you'd like to remove and prompt for again.
Then, in your server's terminal, run the delete-id-photo
command, followed by the Customer ID.
root@cryptomat-server:~# delete-id-photo 8c6ccf25-b816-4f34-9db0-666743d45f16
Customer ID photo deleted.
The next time that customer reaches your ID card photo threshold, they'll be prompted again for their ID.
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